Email: gepstein@econs.umass.edu
Professor of Economics and Co-Director of the Political Economy Research Institute
Gerald Epstein is a Professor of Economics and a Founding Co-Director of the Political Economy Research Institute (PERI) at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. His research has focused on political economy and progressive economic policy, especially in the areas of central banking, macroeconomic policy and international finance. Epstein received his PhD in Economics from Princeton University and is a long time staff economist for the Center for Popular Economics (CPE) in Amherst.
UC Press
Busting the Bankers' Club
Finance for the Rest of Us
"Epstein...explains our complex, captured financial system to the lay reader. In simple, clear prose, he outlines why we are still fighting financial fires, and what we can do to bridge the Wall Street-Main Street divide."
Rana Foroohar, Associate Editor, Financial Times
Federal Reserve Monetary Policy and Wealth Inequality
(with Aaron Medlin)
Federal Reserve Anti-Inflation Policy: Wealth Protection for the 1%?
(with Aaron Medlin)